widgets Package

Simple: Simple widget that does nothing. May be useful for images etc.
Button: Clickable button.
Combo: Combo box.
FPSCounter: FPS counter.
InputBox: Input box.
Label: Label.
Menu: Game menu.
Radio: Radio button.
settings: TODO (Stay away). Common user settings (keymap etc.)
Scale: Scale slider.
Switch: Switch widget.
Container widgets:
Container: Basic container, holds a group of other widgets and handles
focus between them.
VBox: Automatically aligns widgets into a vertical column.
HBox: Automatically aligns widgets into a horizontal row.
Dialog: Dialog window.
ScrollBox: Allows another widget to be scrollable.
Composite widgets:
DialogSaveQuit: Dialog asking the user if they want to save their work when quitting.

Core Widgets

base_widget Module

Base widget, all widgets inherit from this.

class Simple(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: pygame.sprite.Sprite

Widget foundations all widgets should inherit from. This can also be used as a simple widget that does nothing, such as displaying an image.

image: The current surface that will be drawn to the screen.
rect: The pygame.Rect used for the widget’s position and size.
rect_abs: A pygame.Rect using the absolute screen position.
pos: The widget’s position. Can be retrieved or assigned as a shortcut
for rect.topleft. Also a shortcut for setting pos through config().
pos_abs: The widget’s absolute screen position.
surf: The surface that should be drawn to screen, of type:
pygame.Surface: Use an existing surface.
tuple,list: Contains size as (width,height), creates a new surface.
str: Contains file name to load an image.
dict: Contains multiple images to be loaded. The documentation will
specify if a widget uses multiple images and what names to use.
flags: Override the flags passed to pygame.surface.Surface.
kwargs: Any number of keyword arguments matching those for config().

Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
add(order=None, fade=True, focus=False)

Add widget to screen.

order: Integer representing the order widget should receive focus
when user presses TAB. The widget with the lowest order will
receive focus first, then moving up with increasing values.
fade: True if widget should fade in, False if not.
focus: To focus widget immediately, use 1 if focused by keyboard,
2 if by mouse, otherwise 0.

Remove widget from screen.

fade: True if widget should fade out.

Return True if widget is active (onscreen).


Return True if this widget has focus.

button Module

Button widget, allows input from the user clicking the button.

class Button(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.base_widget.Simple

A clickable button.

‘image’: The default button state.
‘over’: The image used when the cursor is hovering over the button.
‘down’: The image used when the user is clicking down on the button.

Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display on the button.
col: tuple (r,g,b) The central colour used if no image is
provided. If you want to avoid the colours saturating keep the
RGB values below 200.
label_col: tuple (r,g,b) The text colour for the button’s label.
label_font: Font object for label.

Called when the button is clicked through either mouse or keyboard.

Emits an event with attribute ‘gui_type’ == “click”.

Override this function to use as a callback handler.

combo Module

Combo box widget, allows the user to choose an option from a selection.

Combo Box
class Combo(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.base_widget.Simple

A combo box.

selection: int Set or retrieve index of current selection.

Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
selection: Index of current selection, None if none selected.
values: Sequence of strings to allow the user to select from.

Called when the selection is changed.

Emits an event with attribute ‘gui_type’ == “select”, ‘selection’ == index of selection made and ‘value’ == value of selection made.

Override this function to use as a callback handler.

fps_counter Module

FPS counter, display current FPS performance to the user.

FPS Counter
class FPSCounter(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.base_widget.Simple

FPS counter


Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
clock: pygame.time.Clock Clock used to time the game loop.
label: str Text to display in front of the value.

Toggle the FPS counter, adding or removing this widget.

input_box Module

Input Box for receiving text input.

Input Box
class InputBox(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.base_widget.Simple, sgc.widgets._interface.text.SelectableText

Input box

text: Text entered in input box. Can be set or retrieved directly.
‘image’: The background of the input box when focused.
‘inactive’: The background of the input box when not focused.

Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
default: str Contains the default text displayed when nothing
has been entered and input box does not have focus.
blink_interval: int Milliseconds between cursor blink.
col_focus: tuple (r,g,b) Background colour when focused.
col_focus_not: tuple (r,g,b) Background colour when not focused.
col_selection: tuple (r,g,b) Colour of selection rectangle.
max_chars: int Maximum number of characters.
repeat_begin: int Milliseconds key is held down before repeating.
repeat_interval: int Milliseconds between key repeats.
text: str Set the text entered in input box.

Called when the user hits the enter key.

Emits an event with attribute ‘gui_type’ == “enter” and ‘text’ with the text entered.

Override this function to use as a callback handler.

label Module

Label to display information to the user.

class Label(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.base_widget.Simple, sgc.widgets._interface.text.SelectableText


text: str displayed in label. Can be assigned as a shortcut for
config(text=) with no second paramenter.

Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
text: Either str containing text to be displayed or
tuple containing two strings. First string is text to
be displayed, second string is rect attribute to be used
for position. Defaults to ‘topleft’ if not passing a tuple.
col: tuple (r,g,b) Text colour.
font: Font object the label will render with.
selectable: bool True if the text should be selectable.
col_selection: tuple (r,g,b) Colour of selection rectangle.
repeat_begin: int Milliseconds key is held down before repeating.
repeat_interval: int Milliseconds between key repeats.

menu Module

Menu widget. Creates a menu for a game.

The menu data format is documented at Menu Format

class Menu(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.base_widget.Simple


Can be indexed to access widgets by name.

func_dict: Assign a lambda to return a dictionary of functions for
config file to utilise.

Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
menu: Either tuple/list containing menu data, or file object to read
config data from in JSON format.
apply: TODO bool True if an apply button should be added.
col: tuple (r,g,b), Colour used for the background.
offset: tuple (x,y) Contains position of menu widgets. y is
added to bottom of title.
change_menu(menu_num, fade=True)

Change the currently displayed menu.

menu_num: int The number representing the menu.
fade: bool False if menu should switch immediately without fading.

radio_button Module

Radio Button, allows the user to select a single option from a group.

Radio Button
class Radio(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.base_widget.Simple

A selectable radio button.

radio_groups: A dictionary containing the active radio button or None
for each radio group. Key is str containing the name of the group.
selected: True if widget is the currently selected radio button in
it’s group.
‘image’: The default, inactive button state.
‘over’: The image used when the cursor is hovering over the button.
‘active’: The image used for the active button in a group
(if applicable).

Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
group: str Name of the group for widget to be added to.
active: True Makes this the active radio button for it’s group.
col: tuple (r,g,b) The colour to be used for the ‘over’ image
if not using a custom image.
radio_groups = {}

Called when the radio button is selected.

Emits an event with attribute ‘gui_type’ == “select”.

Override this function to use as a callback handler.


Clear a group so no radio button is selected.

group: str Group name to clear. Clear this widget’s group if None.

scale Module

Scale widget, allows the user to select a value along a scale using a slider.

class Scale(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.base_widget.Simple

A scale slider.

value: Set and retrieve the value the slider is currently set to.
‘image’: The default button state.
‘handle’: The slider handle.
‘handle_drag’: The slider handle when the mouse is held down.

Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
col: tuple (r,g,b) The colour of the fill bar.
inverted: bool True if scale should go from right to left.
show_value: Number of decimal digits to display, or False to
display nothing.
min: Value at low end of scale.
max: Value at high end of scale.
min_step: Minimum step, value will be a multiple of this.
small_step: Step to increment by when using arrow keys.
max_step: Step to increment by when holding Ctrl.
label_col: Colour of value label.
label_font: Font for value label.

settings Module

Settings for games, these include:


* Keymap
* Mouse Sensitivity (speed) TODO


* Resolution (width, height) TODO
* Fullscreen (bool) TODO
class Keys(keymap_file, parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.base_widget.Simple


Display the settings for the keymap to the player.

switch Module

Switch widget, allows the user to change a boolean setting.

class Switch(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.base_widget.Simple

A switch widget, allowing the user to select between two states.

state: True if switched on.
‘image’: The background when the widget is set to off.
‘active’: The background when the widget is set to on.
‘handle’: The image used for the slider.

Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
state: bool Sets the state of the widget (False by default).
on_col: tuple (r,g,b) The background colour when the widget is
set to the ‘on’ state.
off_col: tuple (r,g,b) The background colour when the widget is
set to the ‘off’ state.
on_label_col: tuple (r,g,b) The on/off text colour when the
widget is set to the ‘on’ state.
off_label_col: tuple (r,g,b) The on/off text colour when the
widget is set to the ‘off’ state.

Called when the switch widget is clicked by mouse or keyboard.

Emits an event with attribute ‘gui_type’ == “click” and ‘on’ == (True or False) depending on whether the switch is set to the on position or not.

Override this function to use as a callback handler.

Container Widgets

container Module

Container widget, can be inherited to implement more complex behaviour.

class Container(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.base_widget.Simple

Container widget. Handles focus and events of a group of widgets packed into a single container.

If surf is not given, container will be the right size to fit all widgets.


Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
widgets: list Contains widgets to be added at creation time.
The order of widgets in the list denotes order they receive
focus when user hits TAB.
border: int Number of pixels to space around edges when surf
is not given.
col: tuple (r,g,b) Colour for background, 0 is transparent.

boxes Module

Boxes are container widgets with automatic positioning/padding of widgets.

class VBox(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.container.Container

VBox is a container widget which sorts widgets into a vertical structure.

If surf is not given, container will be the right size to fit all widgets.


Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
widgets: list Contains widgets to pack into box.
The order of widgets in the list denotes order they are packed.
border: int Number of pixels to space around edges when surf
is not given.
col: tuple (r,g,b) Colour for background, 0 is transparent.
spacing: int Number of pixels to space between widgets.
class HBox(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.container.Container

HBox is a container widget which sorts widgets into a horizontal structure.

If surf is not given, container will be the right size to fit all widgets.


Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
widgets: list Contains widgets to pack into box.
The order of widgets in the list denotes order they are packed.
border: int Number of pixels to space around edges when surf
is not given.
col: tuple (r,g,b) Colour for background, 0 is transparent.
spacing: int Number of pixels to space between widgets.

dialog Module

Dialog window, creates a popup window.

class Dialog(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.base_widget.Simple

Dialog Window

If surf is not given, window will be large enough to fit the given widget.

‘close_off’: The close button in the normal state.
‘close_over’: The close button when the cursor is hovering over.

Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
widget: Widget that should be displayed in the dialog window.
title: str Text to display in the title bar.
col_border: tuple (r,g,b) Window decoration colour.
col_bg: tuple (r,g,b) Background colour.
modal: bool True if window should be modal.
Defaults to True.

Called when the dialog window is closed.

Emits an event with attribute ‘gui_type’ == “close”.

Override this function to use as a callback handler.

scroll_box Module

Scroll box. A container widget that provides scroll bars to be able to view a larger widget.

Scroll Box
class ScrollBox(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.base_widget.Simple

Scroll Box


Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
widget: Widget that should be displayed in scroll box.
col: tuple (r,g,b) Colour used for scroll bars and handles.
scroll(x=None, y=None)

Scroll by x and y coordinates.

Composite Widgets

dialogs Module

Common dialog widgets.

Save/Quit Dialog
class DialogSaveQuit(surf=None, flags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sgc.widgets.dialog.Dialog

This dialog should be called when a user attempts to quit without saving. The dialog will remove itself if the user has cancelled the action.


Update widget configuration and redraw the widget.

Keyword Args:
pos: tuple (x,y) Position to set widget to.
label: str Text to display next to widget.
label_side: str (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, “left”)
Which side of the widget to display the label.
doc: str The file name of the current document.

Called when the user clicks ‘close without saving’.

Emits an event with attribute ‘gui_type’ == “quit”.

Override this function to use as a callback handler.


Called when the user clicks the save button.

Emits an event with attribute ‘gui_type’ == “save”.

Override this function to use as a callback handler.


Called when the user cancels the action.

Emits an event with attribute ‘gui_type’ == “cancel”.

Override this function to use as a callback handler.