
This tutorial will show you how to theme the toolkit to better suit your game.

In the Simple widget’s documentation, it shows that the first argument of a widget can be used to change what’s drawn.

Earlier, we created a button using this code:

btn = sgc.Button(label="Clicky", pos=(100, 100))

This ignores the first argument and thus creates a default button.

Custom sizes

We can change the size of the widget by specifying the size as the first argument to the widget. This argument should be a tuple or list containing the width and height:

btn = sgc.Button((20, 70), label="Clicky", pos=(100, 100))

This creates the button with a width of 20 pixels and height of 70 pixels.

Custom images

There are 2 ways to use custom images to make a widget fit into the design of a game.

Pygame surface

The first method is to pass an existing Pygame Surface object as the first argument. This could be loaded using the pygame.image module, a surface you’ve drawn on with code or anything else resulting in a Pygame Surface:

surf = pygame.Surface((200, 100))
... draw some stuff on surf ...
btn = sgc.Button(surf, label="Clicky", pos=(100, 100))

Load image from file

The second method is to pass a string containing the file name of an image that can be loaded:

btn = sgc.Button("btn.png", label="Clicky", pos=(100, 100))


This will load the image using pygame.image.load(surf).convert_alpha(). If you want to load the image differently, then load it manually and pass the resulting surface in as shown in the previous sub-section.

Using multiple images

If you look at the documentation for some widgets, such as the Button widget, you will find some list multiple images which can be used for different states. The Button lists 3 images: ‘image’, ‘over’ and ‘down’. These represent different states of the button and each can use a different image.

In order to use images for these different states, we must pass in a dictionary; the keys should be strings matching the image states, while the values should be either a string or Pygame Surface in the same manner as the previous section:

imgs = {"image": "off.png", "over": "over.png", "down": "down.png"}
btn = sgc.Button(imgs, label="Clicky", pos=(100, 100))

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